
Our annual symposium is an event to promote the development of the 3Rs, as it offers the laboratory animal community a chance to become acquainted with both national and international 3R research and take home inspiration and valuable lessons.


Pictures from The Danish 3R-Centers symposium 2024

This year, several participants brought posters showcasing innovative initiatives and ideas within the framework of the 3Rs.
An insightful panel discussion was held, where The Board of The Danish 3R Center addressed relevant questions and exchanged ideas and visions.
Lisbeth E. Knudsen was presented with the 3R Prize by Chairman Axel K. Hansen in recognition of her significant commitment to the animal-free approach.

Pictures from The Danish 3R-Centers Symposium 2023

The Chairman of the Board of the Danish 3R-Center, Axel Kornerup Hansen, discusses the achieved results and future plans that are ready for the Danish 3R-Center.
Leif Røge Lund from the Animal Experiments Inspectorate was awarded the 3R Prize for his longstanding efforts in the field of animal experimentation
The panel debate this year was held with a focus on the question 'challenges in the field of experimental animals.'

Pictures from the Danish 3R-Centers symposium 2022

The moderator at this year's symposium was Jan Lund Ottesen, who is also on the board of Danish 3R-Center. Jan was responsible for presenting the speakers as well as managing the panel debate on the second day. (photo: Kim Granli)
The panel debate was held with a focus on thoughts about a future without the use of laboratory animals. The following participated; Jan Lund Ottesen (Novo Nordisk), Janne Koch (LEO Pharma), Merel Ritskes-Hoitinga (Aarhus University/Utrecht University), Jennifer Rosowski (Charité) and Stefan Hippenstiel (Charité). (Photo: Kim Granli)
For the second time in Danish 3R-Centers history, another presentation was held online. Donald Ingber, from the Wyss Institute, Harvard University, gave an online presentation on how to recapitulate human biology and other responses in vitro. (Photo: Kim Granli)

Pictures from the Danish 3R-Centers symposium 2021

The Danish 3R-Centers new board chairman Axel Kornerup Hansen gave a presentation on the 3R-Centers and the national committee's work since the last symposium (photo: Kim Granli).
The winner of the Danish 3R-Centers 3R-prize 2021 was awarded to Rie Vinggaard from DTU for her great work with animal-free models. Here she is seen together with chairman of the board of the 3R center Axel Kornerup Hansen, who presented her with the award (photo: Kim Granli).
For the first time in Danish 3R-Centers history, some of the symposium's presentations were held online. Here it is Francesca Pistollato from the Joint Research Center (photo: Kim Granli

Pictures from the Danish 3R-Centers symposium 2019

Head of Secretariat in the Danish 3R-Center, Tom Bengtsen, in conversation with this year's 3R award recipient, Thomas Bertelsen from Novo Nordisk (photo: Kim Granli).
More than 200 participants from both home and abroad visited the Danish 3R-Centers international symposium this year (photo: Kim Granli).
The Danish 3R-Center always prioritizes networking at the annual symposium (photo: Kim Granli).

Pictures from the Danish 3R-Centers symposium 2018

Joseph Garner from Stanford University gave the presentation Therioepistemology – Improving Reproducibility and Translatability (photo: Kim Granli)
The winner of the Danish 3R-Centers 3R-prize 2018 Birgitte Kousholt (photo: Kim Granli)
Adrian Smith from the Danish 3R-Centers board in conversation with Tom Bengtsen (secretary manager at the 3R-Center) and presenter Stuart Ritchie, who gave the presentation "Unconscious bias in scientific research" (photo: Kim Granli).

Pictures from the Danish 3R-Centers symposium 2016

The QSAR team v. Eva Bay Wedebye and Nikolai Georgiev were awarded the 3R prize 2016 - i.a. to reduce the use of experimental animals when testing chemicals and medicines (photo: Sønderby & Grathwohl Fotografi).
Jesper Lassen from the University of Copenhagen gave the lecture The Danish 3R Survey - Knowledge, attitudes and experiences with the 3Rs among researchers involved in animal experiments in Denmark (photo: Sønderby & Grathwohl Fotografi).
The Danish 3R-Center prioritizes time for networking at the centers annual symposium (photo: Sønderby & Grathwohl Fotografi).

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