Christine Nellemann (Board member 2013-2023, Chair 2013-2020)
Christine Nellemann was educated as MSc in human biology and holds a PhD in medicine from Copenhagen University. She has been employed at the National Food Institute since 1999 and is now director of the institute belonging to the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
Christine´s vision for the 3R area is to employ an integrated approach using both cell models, computer models as well as well-designed animal models in order to predict effects in humans.
Christine can use the knowledge from the research at the National Food Institute within all 3R´s covering the development and use of QSAR models (Quantitative structure–activity relationship models), the development and use of batteries of cell models and the use of advanced animal models in predicting effects in humans.
Christine puts her goals for the 3R center as: ”We will initiate new research within the 3Rs as well as make the knowledge already achieved available for more people than today.”