Multiple posters and presentations are now available online on our website – so if you missed them or want to review, you can view them here.
Both presentations and posters are avaliable here.
Pusan National University has developed a method to 3D print fat tissue, which could accelerate wound healing and provide potential relief for…
The LASA Large Animal Research Network annual meeting will be held 24 – 25 September.
Two webinars left: Non-animal methods in neuroscience: Wednesday 12 March and Non-animal methods in cardiovascular science: Wednesday 19 March.
A new analysis argues that animal testing should be fully replaced by new research methods for both ethical and scientific reasons.
EMA has published a revised draft highlighting alternative testing methods and supporting the 3Rs principles
The University of Bath has announced that it will no longer conduct forced swim tests on mice following a PETA campaign
Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) has published their latest newsletter.
Register now to attend on 18-19 March 2025 for two days dedicated to advancing LAS education, competency assessment, and professional development